Ways to make money with guest posts

Ways to make money with guest posts

Guest posts on blogs are an excellent way for income but you have to be careful in many ways, as a great guest blog is a pitch to a priority site and offers you various ways to make money through it. Following are some of the ways through which you can be paid.

Sell attention on your blog to make money with guest posts:

The first and main essential part to make money is to accept guest post on your site. You have to pull the audience towards your blog for seeking attention and get them to do something you want from them. Further, you can go for easy conversations with them. Can gain per view ad or sponsors on the content.

Selling your products:

By monetizing and seek attention now you can easily sell your products. Sell them at a bit higher value and get more money for the low value. But it requires time as the development and the time productivity should be excellent, but you can be normally advertised it.

Selling digital product:

By using a smartphone you can sell your products easily as that works well. Some of the applications might pay for them too after seeing your guest posts on blogs.

Selling content product to make money with guest posts:

Create great and attractive content for the people as they will buy it for years. Research data, eBook’s can be sold at a higher price than the other ones.

Physical service:

Most of the businesses offer local services such as carpenters, the shopkeepers drive their websites by creating local content where they also get a commission on it, but they need to target the specific blogs for their content to drive the traffic.

A digital service:

Graphic design, logo design, writing, management, creating ads all are included in the digital services as you just have to do on the web for another person which can be monetized. Offering free service is not good for everyone as devalues that for many people.

Selling the labor:

Fiver, the freelancer is such a platform that helps you in selling your services at a very cheap price but in bulk. You can do anything for any client, with limited time and the exchange of money.

Affiliated services to make money with guest posts:

Affiliated marketing is the best way for the income as it consists of high-quality products, the services, and further there are no charges for developing them.


Amazon’s affiliated program is the best platform for selling your services, as for both digital and physical means. You can make money from anything a person will buy whether you are linked with the product or not.

Writing services posts:

Guest posts on blogs don’t just prefer to make money from the traffic but by brands, you can publish some writing series for the guest pots.

Ghostwriter content to make money with guest posts:

Ghostwriting can make your income higher as it beers a lot of money and you can make connections through them to more services.

How to write a post:

You know how to write the content, now you can teach others and gain success from them as well as the money.

Are backlinks good?

Backlinks are good as they refer the google to check the content that the content is much worth or original. The search engine infers the website content as well as enough worth for ranking.

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Ways to make money with guest posts